Data Model

Raptor uses a well-defined data model to define a device and all of its possible interactions


Imagine we want to control a Drone within Raptor.

To start we need to identify some key fields to describe our device to the platform

    "name": "Drone",
    "description": "My drone",
    "customFields": {
        "model": "aero-202111"


  • name is required and is used to identify the device

  • description is a textual description of the device to help users to identify the device and will be used in searches too

  • customFields is an object of key / values properties which may be useful to define further details of the device. In the example we put the model but may be any other data


Streams are datasets, you can imagine them as tables. A channel stay in a stream and is the minimum information to give sense to the data. Imagine to a channel as a column of our table.

Let's have an example with a location table which store the movement of our Drone

Position Altitude Heading
11.25, 52.11 114.2 241.9

Our Drone is at a geo-referenced Position and at a certain Altitude with a degree of Heading.

We can now easily migrate to the Raptor json data model

The streams field contains a list of stream definitions indexed by name

In our example the stream name is location

    "streams": {
        "location": {

        "another stream": {}


Channels are the single unit of data for a stream. An example can be the GPS position and heading or temperature or pressure for a weather device.

A sample extended definition is

  "position": {
      "type": "geo_point",
      "unit": "degrees"

The channel name is specified as key in the channels object, in this case position


  • type is a predefined value and can be one of

    • number any number like -1, 1.5, 1.23e-7
    • string any UTF-8 string like µ€llò ←→ wørld ™
    • boolean one of true or false
    • geo_point a point coordinate in a format of

      • a string like lon, lat
      • a json array like [lon, lat]
      • a json object like { "lon": n.n, "lat": n.n }
      • a geohash drm3btev3e86
  • unit is a descriptive string value for the type of the data, eg degrees, miles, celsius, meters

A minimum channel definition can be composed of just the channel name and the type

  "position": "geo_point"


Let's add an action to invoke and then track the status on a connected device

    "actions": [
            "name": "fly-home",
            "description": "Force the drone to fly back to its deck"

The actions fields is a list as array of objects with just two fields


  • name a unique name of the action, it will be used in the API call

  • description for the human presentation of the action

A complete example definition

The common form is the "shrinked" one, with all the details hidden

The Drone definition

    "name": "Drone",
    "streams": {
        "location": {
          "position": "geo_point",
          "altitude": "number",
          "heading": "number",
    "actions": [

The same can be expressed in an expanded way

    "name": "Drone",
    "description": "My drone",
    "customFields": {
        "model": "aero/202111"
    "streams": {
        "location": {         // stream name
            "description": "GPS outdoor location",
            "type": "sensor",
            "channels": {
                "position": {
                    "type": "geo_point"
                "altitude": {
                    "type": "number",
                    "unit": "m"
                "heading": {
                    "type": "number",
                    "unit": "degrees"
    "actions": [
            "name": "fly-home",
            "description": "Force the drone to fly back to its deck"

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